More Chicks.

It was never my intention to hatch more chicks for myself but when a chook goes broody, they mean business.

As it was Bisky’s first time. Me being me, I couldn’t say no. 

So here we are 21 days later, 3 more chicks and possibly another 2 on the way. 

The problem with this is that I really need a few more large egg layers. My bantam egg count is higher than that of the large fowl hens. As you can see we are over flowing with bantam eggs and that’s just in 3 days.

 So I’ve decided to let Bisky keep the large maran cross chick and remove the bantams to a brooder, so these can be rehomed when old enough.

I’m doing this as, over the past year of raising my own chicks, I’ve found it’s easier to integrate a youngster, with its mother for protection into a larger group of hens. Also raising the chicks to rehome from the brooder method makes them easier to handle and not so ‘wild’.

For example: Bisky was raised in a brooder box, so she has no issue with me picking her up and stroking her but Cyndi on the other hand her younger sister from the same parents, was raised outside by Cookie, as a result she is so flighty and hates being picked up or even stroked. 

These are purely from my own observations of raising chicks in various situations.

So really it depends on what behaviour you seek from your flock. Whether they be more cautious and flighty or to be all over you like an excited puppy. Each individual flock has its own requirements. 

The more handling, the more friendly. The less handling, the less friendly. 

Having 30 plus girls, I really don’t mind that the odd few are stand offish. Or else I’d be walking around like the crazy cat lady in the Simpsons or the pigeon lady from Home Alone 2. 

One day, maybe.